We are MLOs (Mortgage Loan Originators), as well as Professionals who work with the mortgage industry. Including Lender Account Executives, Escrow Representatives, Appraisers, Credit Union & Bank Loan Officers & support staff members. Become a member to be a part of the HAMB community and receive unique benefits.
HAMB Membership Options
Please select your option after reading about each membership type.
Open to all mortgage professionals who are authorized to do business as reflected on NMLS Consumer Access and who meets the definition of a State of Hawaii licensed and federally registered Mortgage Loan Originator as defined by the SAFE Act. If membership is approved, member shall have full voting rights and be able to hold elected/appointed position(s) within the organization. Professional Members shall receive a Certificate of Membership. Individuals will also be enrolled as a Professional Member of NAMB (National Association of Mortgage Brokers) and must abide by the rules and regulations of NAMB.
Open to all personnel of a Professional Member's company, other than a licensed mortgage loan originator. Associate members shall not have a vote in the affiars of the Associatoin but may serve on committies. Associate Members shall receive a Certificate of Membership. Individuals will also be enrolled as a Associate Member of NAMB (National Association of Mortgage Brokers) and must abide by the rules and regulations of NAMB.
Individuals or designated representatives of institutions engaged in related fields who do not qualify for the Professional or Associate Membership. When Affiliate Members use the logo of the Association, the logo must contain the word "Affiliate". Affiliate Members shall not have a vote in the affairs of the Association except in the case where they have been elected or appointed as members of the Board of Directors. Individuals will also be enrolled as an Affiliate Member of NAMB (National Association of Mortgage Brokers) and must abide by the rules and regulations of NAMB.